What effect will technology have on society? Well, we’ve already seen many of the effects – it has created detached individuals interested only the screen in front of their faces and not the people and ...
It really is like the movie They Live. Government and television stations have been CAUGHT adding subliminal messages of actual government mind control in this archive footage from the 1960s which, on its face, appears ...
Rulers want to marginalize their competitors and control their populations; so why would science be used for the betterment of the many? Think about it. The next time you hear grandiose claims about how much ...
At least he certainly OUGHT to have known that oral polio vaccines were discontinued in the U.S. due to their known contribution to vaccine-derived paralysis. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation created the GAVI alliance ...
Have you ever wanted to write a letter to the New World Order? Well, we are. Letter #2 goes out to our ever-watching friends at the National Security Administration (although they already know that). Whew. ...
“Paypal Mafia Don” Peter Thiel brings technocratic control of “big data” to the forefront of Bilderberg’s 2013 agenda via Silicon Valley’s partnership with the NSA and CIA. The age of “big data” is reluctantly upon ...
Secretive global cabal manipulating ‘big data,’ U.S. & European markets, cyber warfare, geopolitics and global health at 2013 confab. The secretive and highly influential Bilderberg meetings, currently underway in the UK, are controlled by its ...
Well, it’s that time of the year again — Bilderberg. Endless connections abound at the annual meeting where leading members of industry, banking, politics, finance, technology and the military industrial complex come together behind closed ...
Have you ever wanted to write a letter to the New World Order? Well, we’re going to start. Letter #1 goes out to everyone’s favorite eugenicist billionaire — Mr. Bill Gates. Whew. One down, only ...
Technocratic Aims Merge With Bilderberg Agenda, as Google Execs Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen See Militarized Internet Where Privacy Is Dead In the coming age, billions more in the developed world will gain access to ...