Editor’s Note: As Truthstream Media has reported before, video of top Merck vaccine “pioneer” Dr. Maurice R. Hilleman confirms the information that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has quietly now decided to ...
At least he certainly OUGHT to have known that oral polio vaccines were discontinued in the U.S. due to their known contribution to vaccine-derived paralysis. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation created the GAVI alliance ...
In Malthusian terms, the food supply is used by governmental bodies to limit and control the population. After recently watching the documentary “King Corn” by filmmakers Ian Cheney and Curtis Ellis, the state of the ...
According to Michael E. Arth (Earth?), the planet’s future looks grim because there are just too many people living on it. In an interview with Vice, the urban designer, former Florida gubernatorial candidate and futurist ...
One of America’s leading population control advocates denies holding a nasty Eugenics creed. Compulsory abortion. Under-the-skin birth control implants. Government authorized reproduction. A Planetary Regime to regulate the population and ration food and resources. A ...
At this point, we’ve all got to wonder — did biotech giant Monsanto truly ever cease testing the company’s genetically modified (GM) wheat? Beginning in 1998, Monsanto ran field trials in 16 states across the ...
“Paypal Mafia Don” Peter Thiel brings technocratic control of “big data” to the forefront of Bilderberg’s 2013 agenda via Silicon Valley’s partnership with the NSA and CIA. The age of “big data” is reluctantly upon ...
Big brother really is watching us. While Washington Post Company Chairman and CEO Donald Graham was busy attending the 2013 Bilderberg meeting where the agenda included big data, the Washington Post itself released National Security Agency ...
Well, it’s that time of the year again — Bilderberg. Endless connections abound at the annual meeting where leading members of industry, banking, politics, finance, technology and the military industrial complex come together behind closed ...
Appearing as a lone miracle worker building nation states in the desert, T.E. Lawrence was an operative for the Rhodes Roundtable agenda towards world empire. This article establishes a historical parallel between the Rhodes Secret ...