Amid California’s record drought, towns up and down the state are rolling out smartphone apps that enable people to snap pictures of neighbors and businesses who are violating water restriction rules and “play water cop”: ...
This still blows us away. No one has ever been held accountable. Nothing has ever been done. “The chief, if not the sole, cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been vaccination” – Dr. ...
Editor’s Note: There is also information out there which ties this conspiracy to the Rockefellers going back to at least 1901 (the first attempt to force the worldwide adoption of 440 Hz, an attempt that ...
The Rockefellers, one of the world’s wealthiest families, have been the largest financial backer of Eugenics and other population control measures. Author Jurriaan Maessan stumbled upon some very compelling and important research back in 2010 ...
1984 describes the ultimate tyranny to come. Or the retro-nightmare future that might-have-been, had it not been outdone by reality. Aldous Huxley – famous author, heir to the intellectual threads of Eugenics, Darwinism, Fabian Socialism ...
It really is like the movie They Live. Government and television stations have been CAUGHT adding subliminal messages of actual government mind control in this archive footage from the 1960s which, on its face, appears ...
Are large segments of the American public literally walking around in a hypnotic trance? Michael Snyder, of The American Dream, wrote this almost two years ago: “Our society is rapidly coming apart at the seams ...
Rulers want to marginalize their competitors and control their populations; so why would science be used for the betterment of the many? Think about it. The next time you hear grandiose claims about how much ...
Editor’s Note: The Obama-backed “BRAIN” project described below is being worked on in conjunction with DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. DARPA is also currently working on equipping robots with “real” brains. In the ...