Why Is The Bilderberg 2019 Location Still a Secret?

We’re just weeks out from when Bilderberg normally holds its annual meeting, and so far, nothing has officially been announced regarding where the meeting will be held, who will be in attendance, or what topics they plan to discuss this year. The group typically meets at the end of May or beginning of June, but this year they have not even announced on what days the secretive elite confab will be taking place.
This is unprecedented in modern times; last year the date and location was announced in late January for the June 7-10 meeting in Turin, Italy. In many years, the location and date are posted on the official website at least by April or early May. All we have at this point is a fake location in California announced by a parody website (one that takes shots at “conspiracy theorists,” just by the way).
The big question is, what is so different this year that the group has stated they won’t be announcing until mere days before the event?
Considering how completely unprecedented last year’s meeting was, how few independent journalists even covered it, this year’s meeting is more important than ever.