I’m sure you can put things together; the puzzle is becoming all-too-clear. Things were not what they seemed at first, this was always about something else… a new paradigm, supposedly better for all. If it ...
It’s kind of insane to be living through this time where the admissions of what used to be considered “crazy conspiracy theories” are just rolling out in the headlines like it’s nothing. When we were ...
This is part of a talk that was held for graduate business students at Stanford University. The same talk where it was admitted that social media is programming everyone.
It’s clear that there’s an agenda that has nothing to do with ballot boxes or democracy. That agenda hasn’t changed in decades and it isn’t going to as long as people are kept fighting amongst ...
This is part two of a set of reports on where exactly these artificially intelligent digital assistants are taking society in the very near future. Ever heard of the “conscious home”? A “smart home” looks ...
Will you get lost in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Most people I asked don’t even know what that is, but it’s happening all around us right now. This system is about technological evolution… evolving us.
What effect will technology have on society? Well, we’ve already seen many of the effects – it has created detached individuals interested only the screen in front of their faces and not the people and ...
Rulers want to marginalize their competitors and control their populations; so why would science be used for the betterment of the many? Think about it. The next time you hear grandiose claims about how much ...