It is so important for people to understand this. Liberty is not possible in an omnipresent surveillance panopticon because part of being at liberty is having one’s privacy secure. Our Fourth Amendment to the Bill ...
In the background of everything, global fertility is actually falling. Wonder why we’re seeing so much immigration right now? The population is about to level and fall too. We aren’t replacing ourselves, and hardly anyone ...
Corporations literally trained generations of people to buy way more stuff than they needed, to throw stuff away instead of reusing it, and to be as wasteful as possible in the name of profits. Now ...
Anyone want to take a wild guess why someone (or several someones) would blow up a monument in the middle of the night that advocates massive depopulation, eugenics, and world control?
It’s kind of insane to be living through this time where the admissions of what used to be considered “crazy conspiracy theories” are just rolling out in the headlines like it’s nothing. When we were ...
This is an exhibit about Eugenics, dated 1926. (click to enlarge, take it all in for a sec, then continue reading…) According to eugenics, “some people are born to be a burden on the rest”. ...
It’s that time again: the United Nations is officially releasing the all new Agenda 2030 sustainable development plan, or what some have hailed as “the new Agenda 21 on steroids,” at the United Nations Sustainable ...
Aaron takes on the 1972 United Nations propaganda film that has the captains of the planet take control over the world’s growing population, using Malthusian rhetoric to demand that “less people be invited to be ...
Some people are still under the impression that the Rockefeller Foundation is all about philanthropy: helping people and saving lives. Those people are Bill Gates and Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. In reality, the Rockefellers ...
The Rockefellers, one of the world’s wealthiest families, have been the largest financial backer of Eugenics and other population control measures. Author Jurriaan Maessan stumbled upon some very compelling and important research back in 2010 ...