Here’s our latest video – another Brave New World/ 1984-themed piece, in conjunction with the recent report “Understanding the Fabian Window”. The current video hinges upon the 1949 letter that Aldous Huxley sent to George ...
This is part two of a set of reports on where exactly these artificially intelligent digital assistants are taking society in the very near future. Ever heard of the “conscious home”? A “smart home” looks ...
Seen a lot of independent researchers admit in YouTube vids lately that they are afraid to talk about certain subjects or say certain phrases. It is happening all over. This is 1984 more than anything ...
This is a much bigger issue beyond whether or not you are “pro” or “anti” vaccines. It’s about free speech in a society where the public square has gone digital, and major corporations, political leaders, ...
In a follow-up to the video where I essentially made the case Google is 1984, after last week’s events, we’ve moved another tick closer to that reality with a new “algorithm adjustment” the tech giant ...
Well here’s a fat bag of crazy for you, courtesy of the elites over at Davos ahead of their 2017 meeting. The Agenda 2030 “smart” city smart grid future is creeping in… and apparently its ...
1984 describes the ultimate tyranny to come. Or the retro-nightmare future that might-have-been, had it not been outdone by reality. Aldous Huxley – famous author, heir to the intellectual threads of Eugenics, Darwinism, Fabian Socialism ...
“Paypal Mafia Don” Peter Thiel brings technocratic control of “big data” to the forefront of Bilderberg’s 2013 agenda via Silicon Valley’s partnership with the NSA and CIA. The age of “big data” is reluctantly upon ...