This is a much bigger issue beyond whether or not you are “pro” or “anti” vaccines. It’s about free speech in a society where the public square has gone digital, and major corporations, political leaders, ...
So now they’re claiming in the next 20 years, genetically engineered babies made from a single person’s modified stem cells will be bred in artificial wombs, and 75-year-old women will be able to start new ...
This internal Google video was supposedly “leaked,” as somehow The Verge obtained a copy. Made in 2016 by the head of design at Google’s research-and-development division known as “X,” it discusses how our mass data ...
It’s finally finished… the feature-length documentary we’ve been working on for what seems like forever is finally out! (Yes, this is why we’ve been so quiet lately.) The full film is up for rent right ...
This may be the most unprecedented Bilderberg meeting of the 21st century. Related:
Propaganda and indoctrination have fed us our heroes, and told us all the great things about them. But in reality, most, if not all, of these figures are quite a bit more nuanced, and often ...
Mel here. A comment on social media by someone named Ricky Logsdon struck me as a near perfect summation of how it feels to wake up… and inspired me to make this video so I ...
If we are forced to eat food unfit for consumption, and are to be only passive consumers following the trends, then we are slaves, and so are our brethren.
Hey so about that whole JFK document release, the mainstream media has your back. Definitely no need to do your own research at all. This video is a response to the face-meltingly predictable propaganda that ...
Get right up to the creepy line… and way beyond! A microchip in your brain? They’re spending billions to make this a reality within the next decade. Will you accept it? Thank you to our ...