Complimenting yesterday’s post – a guest article written by Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – is the raw, and as yet unreleased full interview with Dr. Breggin that was used in our film “The Minds ...
By Peter and Ginger Breggin Aaron and Melissa Dykes have made the single most important video that we have ever watched. It is called Putting a Chip in Your Brain Will Not Make You ...
We live in a world where there can apparently be only one official story, and that story is increasingly guarded by digital gatekeepers. This story reminds me of something our good friend Hesher — of ...
We are excited to announce the premiere screening of “The Minds of Men” to be held on Tuesday, July 2nd at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas! Come watch the movie and us! We’ll be ...
We’re living in an age of not just mass distractions, but information overload. Recent studies show that the average person spends some 50 days of their lives each year online now. So much is being ...
I was looking over some of the oldest content I put up back when I first started Truthstream Media as a blog in 2011, and I came across this letter to the editor I wrote ...
Truthstream Media is finally sort of back up! But… Now comes the hard part of adding back in six years’ worth of content (that’s hundreds of articles and videos) that it once held, so it’s ...
Editor’s Note: This was originally published March 17, 2014, but it only gets more relevant by the year. Dear Congress, Mr. President and the American public, In 1975 the public learned that the National Security ...
While everyone is busy arguing that control over weather doesn’t exist, or that those who claim it does are crazy, conspiratorial nutters, actual history reveals that it not only exists, but was developed for an ulterior ...