But Why Are They Allowed to Do This to Our Food?

Nearly 99 percent of all chemicals introduced to our food here in the US since 2000 were just greenlighted for use not by the FDA, you know, that one agency we’re told is responsible for ensuring our food is safe, BUT by the food and chemical industry itself (!) through a bad joke on us all called the “GRAS Loophole” — or Generally Recognized As Safe. WHY IN THE PUTRID GREEN MATRIX HAZE IS THIS ALLOWED? Is a question I just felt like asking.
This ridiculous nonsense has to stop.
EWG analysis: Almost all new food chemicals greenlighted by industry, not the FDA
EWG Food Scores: Look Up 80,000+ Individual Food Items Here
Get tummy aches? Gut inflammation? Learn about the additive carrageenan from this old report we did