A little history lesson says We the American People have no idea what’s really going on in that White House… but there are some pretty unnerving clues. And why does this whole thing feel so… ...
Here’s the latest TSM video, a deep dive into the fictional Nixon film ‘Secret Honor’ (d. Robert Altman) in which a plausible case is made for the scandalized former president as a puppet, not king, ...
So many things are changing so fast, and here’s another. An unprecedented amount of weirdness coming out of the British Monarchy this year…are we about to see a massive shift in one of the oldest ...
The latest video happened spontaneously after I was sitting out on my back porch the other night during a thunderstorm. I started to consider the difference between what’s in a child’s mind who only sees ...
A new trailer for “The Minds of Men” — literally the only video we ever uploaded to YouTube in 12 years now to be preemptively manually reviewed and shut down. You can find it on ...
Nearly 99 percent of all chemicals introduced to our food here in the US since 2000 were just greenlighted for use not by the FDA, you know, that one agency we’re told is responsible for ...
It’s crazy times we’re living in… How does the average person still believe this president is running the country? I legitimately do not know how they are doing it. And I don’t know how the ...
Is the new wall going to be for keeping people out or keeping people in?
Now they’re coming after small YouTubers who film in national parks and threatening them with fines and six months in jail if they don’t get a permit first (which takes weeks in advance plus requires ...
Just a friendly reminder the government does not grant us rights. Neither does a piece of paper. That’s not how this works. Government cannot grant something you come to life with. Our creator gave them ...