Short Film: Implied Content

Something is missing from this verbose stream of semi-consciousness — critical thoughts and vulgar grumbles about the ill state of affairs, notes on a time no longer here for a generation yet to take hold; ideas passing through the mind at speed, but not all communicated. Words and meaning are held up at the gate, something I had felt I needed to say suppressed, no longer forming on the tongue, maybe even faded from the realm of memory; but so much that didn’t make it to broadcast, not everything important; too much of it obvious; but nevertheless things that aren’t allowed to be expressed. Everything over budget, out of time.
A bit of poetic prose while we’re lost in the American Dream of the patently unreal, swimming around in a post-system cesspool, drowning from our voices down and inward, looking for the exits in this crumbling mirror-maze, reflecting on life under twisted conditions, in the awkward process of an ugly reset that nonetheless would smooth out against their grain. We didn’t have to be defeated; their ways weren’t compatible with our philosophies, even that which had already reached the threshold of perceptive existence. We didn’t have much, but we had sharpened our discernment; wisdom has accumulated against their claptrap and balderdash, too much to ever root out.
There was still the hope, not in a vain moralism, but in the knowledge that the coercive absurdities would have to give under their own weight; that something meaningful is determined to arise, that there remains some kind of destiny in truth. Things might be bleak for a time yet to come, but somewhere, on some distant shore, there is a bright spot worth inhabiting, and we could get there. Not in spacecrafts or vessels built from platitudes and bunk ideas, but in some form of attitude, of rarefied dissatisfaction with the milled-out cereals of a square reality or the false menus sold in regurgitated bulk to the salesmen and mid-managers of a mid-grade plane of existence.
This short film was written sporadically, from an idea vaguely in the vein of Hunter S. Thompson. We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled content, mirroring back all the craziness of this unraveling world momentarily, while working in the background to complete some very worthwhile bigger film projects.