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The Myth of the Unbiased Search Engine

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Melissa Dykes Apr 08, 2019

People don’t seem to realize this… but it has been proven in studies and it isn’t a conspiracy theory.

Search engine results are not uniform and strictly based on what people are searching for. As Swedish author and journalist Andreas Ekström reminds us: “Behind every algorithm is a set of personal beliefs that no code can ever completely eradicate.” This is going to become much more important in the future, as major tech companies have put themselves into a position of not only controlling the flow of information on certain topics, but they are crowning themselves “arbiters of truth” and straight up, openly censoring now.

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Melissa Dykes

Co-founder of Truthstream Media, I’m an investigative journalist who digs into mainstream narratives and hidden history to uncover and bring to light the real story we haven’t been told about the world around us.

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