Is the new wall going to be for keeping people out or keeping people in?
Now they’re coming after small YouTubers who film in national parks and threatening them with fines and six months in jail if they don’t get a permit first (which takes weeks in advance plus requires ...
Just a friendly reminder the government does not grant us rights. Neither does a piece of paper. That’s not how this works. Government cannot grant something you come to life with. Our creator gave them ...
(Normally this is the type of article we only share with our Patreons, but this needs to be seen by everyone who can.) Central banks and governments, at a global scale, have prepared to implement ...
Deep thoughts on how the Ohio train disaster, the corruption-fueled environmental nightmare, eerily overlaps the space in our minds created by the film “White Noise” — wherein extras who were evacuated because of the toxic ...
Just in time for the Fourth of July… Can you imagine having to go to court to prove you are a “person”? Though it is one of the first that happened here, this isn’t a ...
When I was a little girl, I remember driving down I-44 with my mom past the desolate remains of what used to be Times Beach, Missouri. The streets sat empty, save for the dark, windowless ...
The EPA’s Clean Water Act was supposed to essentially make it illegal to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters. According to the agency itself, “The basis of the CWA was enacted ...
When Americans see charts like this one which illustrate that virtually all the food on grocery store shelves basically comes from no more than 10 megacorporations, or hear statements like this one from our own ...
Have you ever wanted to write a letter to the New World Order? Well, we are. Letter #2 goes out to our ever-watching friends at the National Security Administration (although they already know that). Whew. ...