This video is a deep dive aka a nice long chat anyway about how we’ve reached the high strangeness moment of technology becoming indistinguishable from reality… and AI will only get more sophisticated from right ...
This isn’t just about Twitter files or censorship but it’s about who gets to dictate a narrative bubble over reality.
Deep thoughts on how the Ohio train disaster, the corruption-fueled environmental nightmare, eerily overlaps the space in our minds created by the film “White Noise” — wherein extras who were evacuated because of the toxic ...
Episode 2 of our latest series Overlooked! Building upon the last episode, we have some thoughts on why Kubrick left us with a photo of a fourth of July ball as his final shot in ...
Just a few thoughts I had reflecting on this for whoever needed to hear them… Much love and Merry Christmas, everyone.
This is the first episode of our new series “Overlooked,” a deep dive into Stephen King/Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining”. We have five episodes drafted (but there may possibly be a sixth…). The series starts with ...
Teaser trailer for our forthcoming documentary series. It seems a few things were left behind in room 237… EPISODE 1: THE ENVIRONMENT
You’ve heard of the Magna Carta but have you heard of the new “Terra Carta”? The one that personifies nature’s rights and liberties over people? Have you ever seen a hereditary monarch get crowned by ...
Hey everyone, Truthstream Media spent the summer in hot pursuit of obscure locations, filming distant monuments, petroglyphs and other sites held significant both extinct and enduring peoples who have inhabited this continent. Monuments and artifacts, ...
Funny how more and more we just keep hearing people around the world say, “I don’t remember voting for any of this, do you?” In other related news, this year’s theme for the elite 2022 ...