So… I wasn’t even looking for this. I was actually researching something else when I fell down a little space age Cold War rabbit hole and, wouldn’t you know it, I found yet another piece ...
“Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech.” — Benjamin Franklin as a teenage Silence Dogood quoting the London Journal P.S. – Here’s the First Amendment flyer.
Something is missing from this verbose stream of semi-consciousness — critical thoughts and vulgar grumbles about the ill state of affairs, notes on a time no longer here for a generation yet to take hold; ...
A little history lesson says We the American People have no idea what’s really going on in that White House… but there are some pretty unnerving clues. And why does this whole thing feel so… ...
Mel here. Just had to rant. It’s bad enough how stupid everything has become, but now the morality/speech police right is cheering on cancel culture just like the woke left! Yay for 1984!! The bottom ...
Is the world you are being presented online crafted to be vastly different from the person sitting right next to you in physical reality? Do people even realize this is what algorithms are doing to ...
Here’s the latest TSM video, a deep dive into the fictional Nixon film ‘Secret Honor’ (d. Robert Altman) in which a plausible case is made for the scandalized former president as a puppet, not king, ...
So many things are changing so fast, and here’s another. An unprecedented amount of weirdness coming out of the British Monarchy this year…are we about to see a massive shift in one of the oldest ...
The latest video happened spontaneously after I was sitting out on my back porch the other night during a thunderstorm. I started to consider the difference between what’s in a child’s mind who only sees ...
How many things have we been told are “artificially intelligent” — thus providing the mass consciousness a high-tech vision of our future — when in actuality they never were, and never worked or were simply ...