If you live in America, please note, this just happened here. Younger generations are being brainwashed that the only thing more dangerous than our Second Amendment is our First. They are being socially engineered to ...
The Elitist Philosophy Between the Merger of Machine and Man Editor’s Note by Aaron Dykes: The article below, from The Age of Transitions, is an important account of many of the key figures in the ...
It’s getting harder to focus on the “news”. Considering that all media is filtered through just five megacorporations (compared with 50 companies in the early 80s), not to mention (but I will) the fact that ...
This is an exhibit about Eugenics, dated 1926. (click to enlarge, take it all in for a sec, then continue reading…) According to eugenics, “some people are born to be a burden on the rest”. ...
It’s that time again: the United Nations is officially releasing the all new Agenda 2030 sustainable development plan, or what some have hailed as “the new Agenda 21 on steroids,” at the United Nations Sustainable ...
It just doesn’t get more blatant, guys. When we visited Ground Zero last month, a 9/11 memorial guard told us it was supposed to be “a dove of peace”. Yeah… right. A bony “closed eye” ...
Comedian George Carlin famously said “You have to be asleep to believe it.” The concept of The American Dream, what seems like a cold war relic, is hammered into our heads from childhood and constantly ...
Eugenics, the social movement claiming to improve the genetic features of human populations through selective breeding and sterilization and based on the idea that it is possible to distinguish between superior and inferior elements of ...
Edit: This is the reason they don’t want average people to have “political influence” on social media. Stories like this one right here that never get discussed by the mainstream media but definitely put into ...