When I was a little girl, I remember driving down I-44 with my mom past the desolate remains of what used to be Times Beach, Missouri. The streets sat empty, save for the dark, windowless ...
The EPA’s Clean Water Act was supposed to essentially make it illegal to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters. According to the agency itself, “The basis of the CWA was enacted ...
When Americans see charts like this one which illustrate that virtually all the food on grocery store shelves basically comes from no more than 10 megacorporations, or hear statements like this one from our own ...
Have you ever wanted to write a letter to the New World Order? Well, we are. Letter #2 goes out to our ever-watching friends at the National Security Administration (although they already know that). Whew. ...
Big brother really is watching us. While Washington Post Company Chairman and CEO Donald Graham was busy attending the 2013 Bilderberg meeting where the agenda included big data, the Washington Post itself released National Security Agency ...
Secretive global cabal manipulating ‘big data,’ U.S. & European markets, cyber warfare, geopolitics and global health at 2013 confab. The secretive and highly influential Bilderberg meetings, currently underway in the UK, are controlled by its ...
Well, it’s that time of the year again — Bilderberg. Endless connections abound at the annual meeting where leading members of industry, banking, politics, finance, technology and the military industrial complex come together behind closed ...
NOTE: This article is a research stub to Google Hails Age of Cyber War & Digital Revolution While a new book by Google executives Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen heralds the New Digital Age, while ...
Technocratic Aims Merge With Bilderberg Agenda, as Google Execs Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen See Militarized Internet Where Privacy Is Dead In the coming age, billions more in the developed world will gain access to ...
The skullduggery of Henry Kissinger is well known, but little has been done about it. As the unofficial envoy of the Rockefeller Empire and a member of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, ...