Some people accept uncritically the reality with which they’ve been presented, despite overwhelming evidence that reality has been scripted and programmed — and the programmed people running that code have done unconscionable things to others ...
Mel here. Last week was insane. This year feels insane. Last year was the kind of insane you couldn’t describe to someone who lived through it without them thinking you were insane. Sometimes I wonder ...
Widespread loss of faith/trust in the going system typically occurs before a new system emerges. It starts with a consciousness shift that disconnects people from the beliefs that held them within the old system. We’ve ...
Serious question: What if humanity is simply outgrowing the need for a mainstream media? Especially one that is incredibly biased and gets paid to push agendas rather than to tell people what’s actually going on ...
At issue is the vote: as the general election approaches, we question whether or not people realize what they are giving away along with their choice between greater-or-lesser evils. Some clues are found in the ...
Something is missing from this verbose stream of semi-consciousness — critical thoughts and vulgar grumbles about the ill state of affairs, notes on a time no longer here for a generation yet to take hold; ...
Mel here. Just had to rant. It’s bad enough how stupid everything has become, but now the morality/speech police right is cheering on cancel culture just like the woke left! Yay for 1984!! The bottom ...
Mel here. I decided to record some thoughts on how I perceive this film and what I think the director has buried underneath all those codes and ciphers and pop culture references (oh my!)… deep ...
So many scaremongering stories everywhere about the eclipse now. So many. So much utter tripe. Do you know what that is trying to do to you? Where that will drag you down to? How that ...
A letter Aaron wrote explaining why we made “The Minds of Men” the way we chose to: Thank you for describing your personal journey with our film and its impact. Undoubtedly, the sizeable 223 minutes ...