We the People have not come this far just to regress back into serfdom and subservience. We the People will not be ruled over by modern digital kings, anymore than the colonists were willing to ...
We are in need of a solution, one that out thinks our problems, and one which inspires us to reclaim our own personal power. It is our consent to this system which plagues us most, ...
This is our episode of Twilight Zone…ish… a parody of the parody of the horror film this year has become.
How many people have been living in a world that might as well be this movie and do not realize it?
A little perspective too easily overlooked in situations like we find ourselves in 2020…
Some deep contemplation on the night of July 4, 2020… Independence Day.
This was going to be an update that turned into a rant that turned into a pretty person message. If fear rules the day, how is that living? Perspective.
We haven’t disappeared, promise. We’ve just been working on our second feature-length film. Every day. But… this is also the first thing I’ve sincerely wanted to say in weeks.
As irrelevant as this video might seem from the title, I promise I have a point. And it isn’t really about Santa, either.
I’m sure you can put things together; the puzzle is becoming all-too-clear. Things were not what they seemed at first, this was always about something else… a new paradigm, supposedly better for all. If it ...