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Rant: Right or Left, Cancel Culture Is Just Wrong. Period. The End.

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Melissa Dykes Jul 17, 2024

Mel here. Just had to rant.

It’s bad enough how stupid everything has become, but now the morality/speech police right is cheering on cancel culture just like the woke left! Yay for 1984!!

The bottom line: To stand for free speech does not mean standing only for the speech you morally agree with. Why? Because that’s not free speech.

Either you stand for free speech (and yes, that includes speech you may personally find abhorrent) or you don’t.

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Melissa Dykes

Co-founder of Truthstream Media, I’m an investigative journalist who digs into mainstream narratives and hidden history to uncover and bring to light the real story we haven’t been told about the world around us.

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