Well, it looks like the West is destroying its own values in a coordinated fashion. I have now been told that, as an American, it is almost impossible to explain freedom of speech and why ...
All over the West, governments are destroying their own values in a coordinated fashion in what they claim is “protecting democracy”. You can’t protect anything by destroying it — by turning the world into an ...
The upside of censorship? Unlimited optimism about our perfected future, where the best traits are gradually conditioned into all the shiny, happy people holding hands, and the misfits are quietly repressed into oblivion. The downside? ...
Widespread loss of faith/trust in the going system typically occurs before a new system emerges. It starts with a consciousness shift that disconnects people from the beliefs that held them within the old system. We’ve ...
The world is a stage, this we know. Currently, the production is a farce. What was funny 50 years ago no longer can be considered so. Speech interceded by absurd Keystone cops in England: The ...
“Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech.” — Benjamin Franklin as a teenage Silence Dogood quoting the London Journal P.S. – Here’s the First Amendment flyer.
Mel here. Just had to rant. It’s bad enough how stupid everything has become, but now the morality/speech police right is cheering on cancel culture just like the woke left! Yay for 1984!! The bottom ...
The State trying to be the arbiter of truth and using “Fake News” to shut down dissent goes back centuries, and its something America’s very existence is based upon fighting against. Nothing we’re seeing now ...
In our latest video, we break down the layers of meaning and deception behind WEF’s duplicitous 2024 Davos confab themed around “rebuilding trust.” At first glance, it seemed almost as if popular revolt and a ...
Now they’re coming after small YouTubers who film in national parks and threatening them with fines and six months in jail if they don’t get a permit first (which takes weeks in advance plus requires ...