Warning up front: this one’s an angry rant so if you don’t want to hear it, maybe sit this one out. Turns out I’ve been paying attention for too long and I can’t pretend otherwise. ...
We just saw 23 Senators send out a video where each of them dramatically (well, for Senators I guess) repeat the same scripted talking points in front of a camera on cue just like actors ...
Well, it looks like the West is destroying its own values in a coordinated fashion. I have now been told that, as an American, it is almost impossible to explain freedom of speech and why ...
It is so important for people to understand this. Liberty is not possible in an omnipresent surveillance panopticon because part of being at liberty is having one’s privacy secure. Our Fourth Amendment to the Bill ...
The upside of censorship? Unlimited optimism about our perfected future, where the best traits are gradually conditioned into all the shiny, happy people holding hands, and the misfits are quietly repressed into oblivion. The downside? ...
The world is a stage, this we know. Currently, the production is a farce. What was funny 50 years ago no longer can be considered so. Speech interceded by absurd Keystone cops in England: The ...
As the media sweeps it out to make room for the next new current thing, I believe it’d be a mistake to pretend like we all just didn’t witness the mass public reaction to what ...
Something is missing from this verbose stream of semi-consciousness — critical thoughts and vulgar grumbles about the ill state of affairs, notes on a time no longer here for a generation yet to take hold; ...
How many things have we been told are “artificially intelligent” — thus providing the mass consciousness a high-tech vision of our future — when in actuality they never were, and never worked or were simply ...
A letter Aaron wrote explaining why we made “The Minds of Men” the way we chose to: Thank you for describing your personal journey with our film and its impact. Undoubtedly, the sizeable 223 minutes ...