They’re Using Democracy as an Excuse to Destroy Free Speech

All over the West, governments are destroying their own values in a coordinated fashion in what they claim is “protecting democracy”. You can’t protect anything by destroying it — by turning the world into an Orwellian dystopia where armed police regularly raid people’s homes for sharing mean memes on the Internet. This is complete insanity. The U.S. is a Constitutional Republic yes, but it is also democratic, and it may just be the only country on earth that even has anything resembling the First Amendment and actual freedom of speech.
If they can control what you are allowed to say, they can control what you are able to think. And if that goes on long enough, they can alter your reality to the point where you won’t even know what freedom is anymore.
There is no such thing as democracy without free speech, so if the West actually cared about democracy, they wouldn’t be trying to shut down the voice of the people. The West is destroying itself.