The Problem

Some people accept uncritically the reality with which they’ve been presented, despite overwhelming evidence that reality has been scripted and programmed — and the programmed people running that code have done unconscionable things to others in recent years because of it.
I get that some people don’t want to have to take personal responsibility for their perceptional reality, and so they prefer having it spoonfed to them, but they should stop pretending they know what’s actually going on and stop trying to force others to pretend to believe it too — because the truth is, they don’t really know what’s going on. They haven’t even tried to know. Why? Because they don’t actually want to.
Unfortunately such an illusory reality is incredibly fragile, and that’s why anyone who questions it makes those people who choose to live in it so incredibly uncomfortable. They don’t care if they live in a horror film, so long as no one else around them decides to go find out what that creepy noise is coming from the basement…
Well, I prefer ugly truths over pretty lies, and I DO want to know.
There are many others out here like me who see through the code, and we don’t want to be held captive in a dystopian society by a bunch of programmed people who obviously prefer the shadow puppets projected on the walls of Plato’s cave to the sun.