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Do People Know What the Word “Vote” Actually Means?

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Aaron Dykes Sep 05, 2024

At issue is the vote: as the general election approaches, we question whether or not people realize what they are giving away along with their choice between greater-or-lesser evils. Some clues are found in the dictionary.

While having little-to-no-effect on the outcome, participants in this broken and delusional electoral system, in casting their votes, are giving their consent and their will for that which will be done thereafter in their name; they are enacting a wish for certain candidates to be empowered, and even granting immunity for whatever actions they will undertake.

The candidates and the victors — especially at the federal level — are, in reality, selected by the powers behind the scenes, and the controlling monetary interests. The purpose of voting, then, is one of pageantry, a mass spectacle to ritualize voluntary consent-giving and obedience to government (a government that has not respected the boundaries and rights of its population in some time).

This exercise in collective energy harvesting is little more than a hollow gesture to tokenize participation; to blow off steam; to cast blame on the “greater-evil” while empowering the “lesser-evil”; and to transfer our collective personal agency to a mis-leader of mass proportions who couldn’t possibly represent you or your interests if they tried.

Disengage from systems that don’t serve you.

Carefully guard your personal power.

Have discernment in giving your consent.

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Aaron Dykes

Aaron Dykes is a co-founder of Truthstream Media. As a writer, researcher and video producer who has worked on numerous documentaries and investigative reports, he uses history as a guide to decode current events, uncover obscure agendas and contrast them with the dignity afforded individuals as recognized in documents like the Bill of Rights.