The First Amendment Is Under Attack in Our National Parks

Now they’re coming after small YouTubers who film in national parks and threatening them with fines and six months in jail if they don’t get a permit first (which takes weeks in advance plus requires a $1M insurance policy as if it is a full Hollywood film)!
Without the ability to film spontaneously, one cannot fully exercise the Freedom of Speech.
Now YouTubers spontaneously filming at national parks or protests at the national mall who did not get a permit first (a very arduous process requiring someone to obtain a $1M dollar insurance policy) face a $1000 fine and up to 6 mos in PRISON!!
— Truthstream Media (@truthstreamnews) October 3, 2023
Permitted speech is NOT FREE SPEECH. This is a stunning attack on free speech in what are supposed to be “our” national parks. It not only goes against not only the First Amendment BUT park agents are trolling social media to find people who filmed to send them fines ex post facto, so it also violates due process of law.
And they’re also contacting these tech companies to get vlogger’s addresses to mail the fines!

This cannot be allowed to stand.