No One Will Hold Kissinger Accountable

The skullduggery of Henry Kissinger is well known, but little has been done about it.
As the unofficial envoy of the Rockefeller Empire and a member of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, Aspen Institute, Bohemian Grove, Trilateral Commission, etc., Kissinger is at the heart of the power structure and closely tied to many underhanded deeds as well as big plays for global power.
As National Security Advisor under presidents Nixon and Ford, and for a time also concurrently Secretary of State under the same presidents, Kissinger wielded enormous power and effectively operated on behalf of the shadow government agenda – often over the president’s head.
Informally, he has continued shaping policy as a top advisor to numerous high level figures, including presidents and cabinet members, since his official time in office during the 1970s.
The case for war crimes and crimes against humanity outlined by Christopher Hitchens (including killing as many as half a million civilians in the secret bombings of Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War), as well as his participation in various assassinations, coups and destabilization efforts throughout the world contrast sharply with his status as a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, ostensibly for negotiating the withdrawal of American forces in Vietnam (as dubious and hypocritical as the prize has proven to be).
Moreover, via National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200, Henry Kissinger made it official U.S. foreign policy to underwrite forcible depopulation and outright genocide in the developing world, including recommendations to use “food as a weapon” (including withholding food aid to induce compliance with global population targets). The implications of this ongoing policy are both staggering and far-reaching.
Despite lawsuits and threats of extradition, as well as requests to formally answer questions over his role in the September 11, 1973 coup in Chile, including the murder of a general, and with warrants for his arrest in Chile, Argentina, Spain and France, Heinz “Henry” Kissinger remains above the law.
He readily skirts any attempts, as the one made in 2011 during the Bilderberg conference in Switzerland, to bring him to justice. Unofficially, he remains diplomatically above the law. With little exception, none dare pursue the U.S. diplomat, while the establishment cadre of media and politico figures continue to fawn over him like a patron saint.
With that in mind, the evergreen activist Luke Rudkowski, founder of We Are, brought frank and uncomfortable questions to Kissinger yet again, for the third time, during an award ceremony in his honor.
Henry Kissinger’s only response, as in previous confrontations, was an ad hominem attack on the messenger of questions that many have raised but few have brought to his face.
Projecting his own wormy disposition, Kissinger called Luke a “coward” repeatedly, as he himself refused to acknowledge or answer any of several questions concerning war crimes, the Bilderberg group and statements of admitted criminal behavior (as released by Wikileaks in the Kissinger Cables). Rudkowski, who has amassed the nerve to repeatedly confront him and hundreds of other world leaders, is of course anything but a coward – and Kissinger, undoubtedly, fully grasped that fact.
Previously, Kissinger has called him a ‘sick person’ and told him to ‘go to hell.’ More projecting about his own twisted life I’m sure…
Wikileaks highlighted this telling quote from Kissinger which appeared in a transcript:
“Before the Freedom of Information Act, I used to say at meetings, ‘The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer.’ [laughter] But since the Freedom of Information Act, I’m afraid to say things like that.”
Clearly, while Kissinger is comfortable presiding over death and destabilization, war and nuclear threats, he is very much the coward, preferring the cover of darkness, shadow and the closed door that invariably goes hand in hand with both “diplomacy” and “conspiracy.”
Bravo to those bold enough to call his bluff and on far too much bullshit.